Drink and the driver
Don't put lives at risk. Don't drink before driving.
Scotland's drink drive limit was reduced from 80mg to 50mg in December 2014 and is now the same as many other European countries. The drink drive limit in Scotland is 50mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood.
It is very difficult to convert this limit into an accurate estimate of how much you can drink because everyone is different. It depends on factors including the size and strength of the drink, a person's age, gender and weight.
Alcohol affects coordination, reaction times, and increases risk taking. Even very small amounts can affect your ability to drive safely.
You can't judge whether you are over or under the legal limit without a breathalyser or blood test. The safest thing to do is avoid alcohol altogether before driving.
Remember, you could still be over the limit the morning after a night's drinking. Only time will remove alcohol from your system, not black coffee, a meal or a few hours' sleep.