Policy reports
Children in Scotland Youth Engagement Project on Alcohol Marketing in Scotland
April 2023
File size: 9419KB
Realising our rights: How to protect people from alcohol marketing infographic
Inforgraphic summary of report from international expert network on how best to address alcohol marketing.
June 2022File size: 387KB
Topics: Marketing
Realising our rights: How to protect people from alcohol marketing summary
Summary of report from international expert network on how best to address alcohol marketing.
June 2022File size: 954KB
Topics: Marketing
Realising our rights: How to protect people from alcohol marketing
Report from international expert network on how best to address alcohol marketing.
June 2022File size: 4539KB
Topics: Marketing
NCD Prevention Mapping Future Harm: A case for action on health harming products
Trend projections in NCD harm
June 2022File size: 2206KB
Topics: Health
Online Alcohol Sales & Deliveries: A survey of young people in Scotland - infographic
May 2022
File size: 185KB
Topics: Families, children and young people Licensing
Online Alcohol Sales & Deliveries: A survey of young people in Scotland
Results of survey with children and young people on online sales and delivery of alcohol.
May 2022File size: 323KB
Topics: Families, children and young people Licensing
Non-Communicable Diseases Progress Report on Health Harming Product Action
Non-Communicable Diseases: Progress Report on Health Harming Product Action
January 2022File size: 860KB
Topics: Health Marketing Price
Non-Communicable Disease Prevention: Priorities for 2021/22
Non-Communicable Disease Prevention: Priorities for 2021/22 Supporting people in Scotland to live healthy lives through tackling health harming products.
September 2021File size: 2870KB
Topics: Health Marketing Price
Non-Communicable Disease Prevention
NCD manifesto developed by AFS and other third sector organisations
September 2020File size: 1533KB
Review of SLP Resource 1 Evidence considered by licensing boards to develop policy
Alcohol Focus Scotland Review of statements of licensing policy 2018 – 2023.
Resource 1 – Evidence considered by licensing boards to develop policy.
Published June 2020.
File size: 147KB
Topics: Licensing
Review of SLP Resource 2 Measures to promote the licensing objectives
Alcohol Focus Scotland Review of statements of licensing policy 2018 – 2023.
Resource 2 – Measures to promote the licensing objectives.
Published June 2020.
File size: 224KB
Topics: Licensing
Review of SLP Resource 3 Examples of conditions to promote the objectives
Alcohol Focus Scotland Review of statements of licensing policy 2018 – 2023.
Resource 3 - Examples of conditions to promote the objectives.
Published June 2020.
File size: 254KB
Topics: Licensing
Review of SLP Resource 4 Overprovision assessments
Alcohol Focus Scotland Review of statements of licensing policy 2018 – 2023.
Resource 4- Overprovision assessments.
Published June 2020.
File size: 202KB
Topics: Licensing
Review of SLP Resource 5 Standard operating hours
Alcohol Focus Scotland Review of statements of licensing policy 2018 – 2023.
Resource 5 - Standard operating hours.
Published June 2020.
File size: 205KB
Topics: Licensing
Alcohol Focus Scotland Review of statements of licensing policy 2018-2023
June 2020
File size: 3028KB
Topics: Licensing
Time to blow the whistle on alcohol sport sponsorship
Findings on extent and nature of alcohol sponsorship in professional football and rugby in Scotland and policy recommendations.
March 2020File size: 2641KB
Topics: Marketing
Parental Drinking in Scotland
December 2019
File size: 974KB
Topics: Families, children and young people
Children’s Parliament investigates an alcohol-free childhood
Report on the findings from the children’s parliament on alcohol marketing.
September 2019File size: 1779KB
Topics: Availability Families, children and young people Marketing
Review of Licensing Board Annual Functions Reports 2017-18
March 2019
File size: 414KB
Topics: Licensing
Our Right to Know report
Report on the importance of alcohol labelling and the need for more information to be included on labelling
September 2018File size: 2548KB
Topics: Labelling
Taking Stock: Views and experiences of alcohol licensing in Scotland in 2016/17
This report analyses experiences of progress within the alcohol licensing system in Scotland since the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 was implemented in 2009. It identifies learning and challenges, and makes recommendations for improvement and reform.
December 2017File size: 2914KB
Topics: Licensing
Taking Stock summary
Summary of the report, which analyses experiences of progress within the alcohol licensing system.
December 2017File size: 1157KB
Topics: Licensing
Like Sugar for Adults report
"Like sugar for adults. The effect of non-dependent parental drinking on children and families." Institute of Alcohol Studies, Alcohol & Families Alliance and Alcohol Focus Scotland report.
October 2017File size: 2169KB
Topics: Families, children and young people
Right To Know labelling report
Are alcohol labels giving consumers the information they need? Report by the Alcohol Health Alliance UK, August 2017.
August 2017File size: 936KB
Topics: Labelling
Promoting Good Health From Childhood report
Report of expert group facilitated by Alcohol Focus Scotland - Promoting good health from childhood: Reducing the impact of alcohol marketing on children in Scotland.
February 2017File size: 1428KB
Topics: Marketing
Promoting Good Health From Childhood summary
Summary report of expert group facilitated by Alcohol Focus Scotland - Promoting good health from childhood: Reducing the impact of alcohol marketing on children in Scotland.
February 2017File size: 516KB
Topics: Marketing
Health First Strategy
An evidence-based alcohol strategy for the UK, produced by the Alcohol Health Alliance.
April 2014File size: 713KB
Alcohol Outlet Availability and Harm report
Report for Alcohol Focus Scotland by the Centre for Research on Environment, Society and Health (CRESH) into the relationship between the number of alcohol outlets and alcohol-related deaths and hospital admissions in Scotland.
April 2015File size: 746KB
Topics: Availability
Unrecognised and Under Reported summary
Summary of Alcohol Focus Scotland’s research into the impact of alcohol on people other than the drinker in Scotland.
April 2015File size: 210KB
Topics: Families, children and young people
Unrecognised and Under Reported report
Alcohol Focus Scotland’s research into the impact of alcohol on people other than the drinker in Scotland.
April 2015File size: 210KB
Topics: Families, children and young people
Review of Licensing Policy Statements
Alcohol Focus Scotland report analysing licensing boards’ policy statements 2013-16.
May 2015File size: 1878KB
Topics: Licensing
Using Licensing to Protect Public Health
Alcohol Focus Scotland report, funded by Alcohol Research UK.
August 2014File size: 408KB
Topics: Licensing
Rethinking Alcohol Licensing
Report produced by Alcohol Focus Scotland and SHAAP which makes recommendations to improve licensing policy and practice in Scotland.
September 2011File size: 325KB