The Impact of Alcohol Marketing on People in Recovery
The Impact of Alcohol Marketing on People in Recovery
October 2023File size: 912KB
Protecting Children and Young People from Alcohol Marketing
Briefing on Protecting Children and Young People from Alcohol Marketing
October 2023File size: 866KB
Alcohol Display and Promotion in Shops
Briefing on alcohol display and promotion in shops
October 2023File size: 504KB
AFS and SHAAP MUP briefing September 2023
Joint AFS and SHAAP briefing summarising the evidence on MUP so far. September 2023.
September 2023File size: 412KB
Topics: Price
MUP briefing Jun 2023
Joint AFS and SHAAP briefing summarising the evidence on MUP so far. June 2023.
June 2023File size: 287KB
Topics: Price
MUP briefing May 2023
Joint AFS and SHAAP briefing summarising the evidence on MUP so far. May 2023.
May 2023File size: 281KB
Topics: Price
MUP briefing Apr 2023
Joint AFS and SHAAP briefing summarising the evidence on MUP so far. April 2023.
April 2023File size: 266KB
Topics: Price
Emergency response required to prevent deaths from alcohol
Joint briefing from Alcohol Focus Scotland and 35 other organisations on the need for the Scottish Government to take emergency action to prevent alcohol deaths. April 2023.
April 2023File size: 617KB
Topics: Deaths Marketing Price Treatment and care
Briefing: Alcohol Marketing Restrictions in Scotland
February 2023
File size: 399KB
Topics: Marketing
Updated Licensing Guidance 02.23
Briefing on the updated Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 Section 142 Guidance. February 2023.
February 2023File size: 168KB
Topics: Licensing
Impact of alcohol marketing on people in recovery
Briefing on the impact of alcohol marketing on people with (or at risk of) an alcohol problem from alcohol marketing. February 2023.
February 2023File size: 267KB
Topics: Marketing People in recovery
Make Your Voice Heard - PIR
Practical guide for people in recovery or those supporting them to respond to the Scottish Government's consultation on alcohol promotion and advertising.
January 2023File size: 237KB
Topics: Marketing People in recovery Practical guides
Make Your Voice Heard - CYP
Practical guide for children and young people or those supporting them to respond to the Scottish Government's consultation on alcohol promotion and advertising.
January 2023File size: 237KB
Topics: Families, children and young people Marketing
MUP Impact on Intended Effects
Brief report on the impact of alcohol minimum unit price on intended effects of the policy. January 2023.
January 2023File size: 523KB
Topics: Price
Protecting CYP from alcohol marketing Jan 2023
Briefing on protecting children and young people from alcohol marketing and alcohol marketing expert network recommendations. January 2023.
January 2023File size: 478KB
Topics: Families, children and young people Marketing
Like a needle in a vineyard: Searching for health information on wine labels and websites
December 2022
File size: 1059KB
Joint briefing MUP and Drug Use
Joint briefing on MUP and drugs from Alcohol Focus Scotland, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP), Scottish Recovery Consortium and Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs.
August 2022File size: 257KB
Topics: Price
NCD Prevention - Mapping Future Harm Briefing
Projected the levels of smokings, alcohol consumption and obesity, as well as the related disease burden of deaths and ill health from NCDs up to the end of this Parliamentary session.
June 2022File size: 863KB
Topics: Health
Joint AFS SHAAP MUP letter to Minister of PH and CabSec Health with signatories 18.11.21
Joint AFS SHAAP MUP letter to Minister of PH and CabSec Health with signatories 18.11.21
November 2021File size: 146KB
Topics: Price
AFS and SHAAP Uprating MUP Briefing Nov 2021
AFS and SHAAP briefing on uprating MUP
November 2021File size: 294KB
Topics: Price
Reopening hospitality
AFS and Stirling uni Re-opening of hospitality - alcohol-specific risks and possible mitigation. June 2020
June 2021File size: 616KB
Topics: Licensing
MUP mythbuster - two years on
Updated mysthbuster on MUP two years since its introduction
May 2020File size: 405KB
Topics: Price
Licensing update - covid
Update on licensing during the covid-19 pandemic spring/ summer 2020
May 2020File size: 448KB
Topics: Licensing
Two years on MUP briefing
Update on evidence so far two year on since the introduction of MUP
May 2020File size: 494KB
Topics: Price
Alcohol marketing and its impact
What is alcohol marketing and its impact
February 2020File size: 757KB
Topics: Marketing
Briefing - Review of annual functions reports 2018 - 2019
Findings of AFS’s review of the 2018-19 annual functions reports.
December 2019File size: 763KB
Topics: Licensing
Briefing - Protecting Children and Young People from Alcohol Marketing
Protecting Children and Young People from Alcohol Marketing. September 2019.
September 2019File size: 853KB
Topics: Families, children and young people Marketing
Briefing on alcohol deaths definitions in Scotland.
Briefing on alcohol deaths definitions in Scotland. December 2018.
December 2018File size: 619KB
Topics: Deaths
Briefing - Alcohol and Violent Crime
Background briefing on the links between alcohol and violent crime. September 2018.
September 2018File size: 544KB
Topics: Crime
Using the downloaded CRESH data
How to use the data downloaded from the CRESH WebMap.
August 2018File size: 985KB
Topics: Availability
How to use the Alcohol Outlet Availability Profiles & CRESH WebMap
How to use the Alcohol Outlet Availability Profiles & CRESH WebMap
August 2018File size: 1180KB
Topics: Availability
Local uses for the alcohol profiles and CRESH Webmap
Find out how the alcohol outlet availability profiles and the CRESH Webmap can be used locally.
August 2018File size: 544KB
Topics: Availability
Alcohol availability and harm
Briefing on alcohol availability and harm in Scotland. (May 2018)
May 2018File size: 590KB
Topics: Availability
Briefing on NHS Burden of Disease Report
Background briefing on the NHS Health Scotland report on the burden of disease attributable to alcohol consumption in Scotland (February 2018)
February 2018File size: 634KB
Topics: Health
Briefing on Minimum Unit Pricing
AFS briefing on minimum unit pricing following the UK Supreme Court’s ruling and Scottish Government consultation (February 2018).
February 2018File size: 671KB
Topics: Price
MUP legal process
Joint AFS SHAAP MUP letter to Minister of PH and CabSec Health with signatories 18.11.21
April 2017File size: 53KB
Topics: Price
AFS letter to Scotch Whisky Association Oct 2016
Letter to the Scotch Whisky Association following European Court decision on minimum unit pricing
October 2016File size: 85KB
Topics: Price
Stage 3 Briefing Air Weapons and Licensing Scotland Bill
Alcohol Focus Scotland’s briefing for MSPs ahead of the stage 3 discussions on the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill.
June 2015File size: 62KB
Topics: Licensing
Alcohol strategy debate
AFS briefing for MSPs ahead of the Scottish Parliament debate on Changing Scotland’s Relationship with Alcohol.
June 2015File size: 74KB
Alcohol Density and Harm FAQs
Frequently asked questions about research into the relationship between alcohol outlet availability and alcohol-related harm in Scotland and locally.
May 2015File size: 94KB
Topics: Availability
Stage 2 Briefing Air Weapons and Licensing Scotland Bill
Alcohol Focus Scotland’s briefing for MSPs ahead of the stage 2 discussions on the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill.
May 2015File size: 62KB
Topics: Licensing
Alcohol Duty Escalator briefing
Briefing outlining why the alcohol duty escalator should continue to counter the trend of increasing affordability of alcohol that has been associated with rising consumption and harm.
April 2015File size: 920KB
Topics: Price
Taxation and Minimum Pricing briefing
Alcohol taxation and minimum pricing are complementary pricing mechanisms. Evidence strongly indicates that taxation and minimum pricing together can deliver greater health and social benefits than taxation alone.
April 2015File size: 398KB
Topics: Price
Children’s Recognition of Alcohol Marketing briefing
This briefing provides further detail on research commissioned by Alcohol Focus Scotland, Alcohol Concern, Balance North East and Drink Wise into primary school children’s recognition of alcohol brands.
April 2015File size: 2081KB
Topics: Families, children and young people Marketing
Stage 1 Briefing Air Weapons and Licensing Scotland Bill
Alcohol Focus Scotland’s briefing for MSPs ahead of the stage 1 debate on the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill.
April 2015File size: 63KB
Topics: Licensing
- Availability (5)
- Crime (1)
- Deaths (2)
- Families, children and young people (4)
- Health (2)
- Licensing (7)
- Marketing (9)
- People in recovery (2)
- Practical guides (1)
- Price (17)
- Treatment and care (1)