Reducing harm caused by alcohol

Children, young people and families

Alcohol Focus Scotland has developed innovative learning resources which are appropriate for use in universal settings as well as in specialist services. 

For universal services, the focus is on developing the social and emotional wellbeing for children more generally. The resources for specialist services help children understand the feelings they might experience when living with someone who has an alcohol problem. Adults reading the book will gain a better understanding of the impact of parental drinking from a child’s point of view.

To browse upcoming training sessions, please visit our Events page.


Oh Lila

Oh Lila resource

Oh Lila is a universal resource for nursery workers and early years teachers, suitable for use with children aged 3 to 6 years. It aims to build resilience and protective factors in young children, helping them to develop social skills and encouraging them to communicate. Oh Lila can be linked to the Curriculum for Excellence, particularly around Health & Wellbeing but other areas too, such as Creative Arts. 

Oh Lila! tells the story of an adventurous young hare called Lila, who gets herself into trouble. Lila goes through a range of emotions before confiding in her friend Eric the squirrel who encourages her to seek help from the wise old hare.

The moral of Lila's story is that if children get into trouble or make a mistake, it is always better to speak to someone they trust to help them.

The Oh Lila! story and supporting resources aim to build resilience and protective factors in young children, helping to develop their social skills and encouraging them to communicate. These skills are particularly helpful for the thousands of children across Scotland who are living with a problem drinking parent.

The resource is widely used in nurseries, family learning centres and agencies working with children and families.

Resource pack

The Oh Lila! resource pack contains:

  • Flipover story book
  • 2 puppets
  • Jigsaw
  • Guidance notes
  • Supporting resources on a US memory stick
  • Parents information and activity pack

Training workshop

Our half day training workshop is recommended to support early years workers using the Oh Lila! resource. The workshop covers:

  • Oh Lila! in context
  • Oh Lila! in practice
  • Beyond the resources
  • Alcohol awareness

To browse upcoming training sessions, please visit our Events page.

I found the course very informative and feel I can now go back and use it in the nursery. Good to hear examples of using Oh Lila in early years.



Rory resource

Rory is a universal resource for use by primary school teachers, building social and emotional wellbeing generally.  The resource links with the Curriculum for Excellence with age appropriate materials for P1 – P7 aged children.  This non-threatening story provides teachers with a practical resource linking across health and wellbeing

The story charts the downturn in a dog called Rory’s life as his owner develops problems with alcohol. Initially Rory is happy, well groomed and well fed, but as the situation worsens he begins to feel neglected and lonely.

Rory is confused and upset by his owner’s unpredictable behaviour. He blames himself for the problem but his life improves when he confides in a trusted adult dog who explains that the situation is not his fault but due to his owner’s alcohol problems.

The pack can be used in different ways to help children understand the feelings they might experience when living with someone who has an alcohol problem and encourage children to speak to a trusted adult. Adults reading the book will gain a better understanding of the impact of parental alcohol misuse from a child's point of view.

The Rory resource is widely used in primary schools throughout Scotland.

Resource pack

The Rory resource pack contains:

  • Rory story book (and abridged version)
  • Rory USB
  • Rory puppet
  • Rory kennel
  • Worksheets with interactive exercises linked to Curriculum for Excellence.

Training workshop

Our Rory training workshop is recommended for primary school teachers. Rory itraining is recommended before purchasing the pack.

To browse upcoming training sessions, please visit our Events page.

Lots of excellent resources to use in school and food for thought on a very topical and worrying issue.

C.H.A.T. - Children Harmed by Alcohol Toolkit


For those working in more specialist services, working directly with children and families affected by substance misuse, our CHAT (Children Harmed by Alcohol) toolkit can be used with children aged 3 to 18 years.  The resource pack contains practical worksheets, books, games, puppets and activity sheets for workers and children to use together. The material will help children and young people feel less confused and guilty about what may be happening and help to understand the recovery journey and the challenges that may bring.

Building on our existing Oh Lila!, Rory and A.D.A.M. resources (see below), C.H.A.T. is a new resource for professionals working with children, young people and families affected by alcohol. It can be used in a variety of settings to help build resilience and protective factors in children and families by building emotional intelligence, developing social skills and problem solving skills.

The toolkit has been piloted and evaluated in voluntary and public sector agencies across Scotland and has also been piloted within community justice settings, funded by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. 

Read more about C.H.A.T (pdf) and visit the C.H.A.T. web pages

C.H.A.T. pilot evaluation (pdf)

Following the launch of our CHAT resource in 2016, Alcohol Focus Scotland has developed additional materials in consultation with kinship carers, foster carers and professionals working with looked after children. Following a successful pilot and evaluation the CHAT plus resource pack aims to support children from aged 5 to 12 years with a particular focus on those being looked after and removed from their home for a period of time.  

C.H.A.T. Plus Pilot Evaluation (pdf)

C.H.A.T. resource pack (available to purchase on completion of training)

  • Oh Lila and Eric storybooks and puppets
  • Oh Lila and Eric worksheets and activities
  • Rory and Rory 2 storybooks and puppets
  • Rory Chat and Think game
  • Rory Chat and Think worksheet
  • Rory worksheets
  • A.D.A.M. online game
  • A.D.A.M. worksheets
  • Online resources

To browse upcoming training sessions, please visit our Events page.


New in 2019: 'A Home for Rory'

A home for Rory

Aimed specifically at kinship carers and foster carers, this new series of 4 books enables a child to explore the feelings they may have when their family circumstances change and they have to be looked after by another family member.

Training workshop

To support professionals using the C.H.A.T. resource, a one day training programme is available. The training is suitable for those working with children and families affected by alcohol in social work, NHS, community justice, public and voluntary sector organisations.

On completing the training learners will have:

  • Greater awareness of the problems caused by alcohol in Scotland
  • Greater awareness of the impact of alcohol harm on individuals, children, young people and families
  • Increased skills and confidence to use the C.H.A.T. resource
  • Greater awareness of the support available for those affected by alcohol

To browse upcoming training sessions, please visit our Events page.

Honestly the most enjoyable training I have been on for a long time. Great mix of exercises, movement and discussion.


A.D.A.M - Another's Drinking Affects Me - is a website for teenagers who are affected by someone else's drinking.

ADAM Resource

A.D.A.M is aimed at 11-16 year olds and offers advice on how to cope using five animated characters who tell real life stories.

The site was developed in consultation with young people who have first hand experience of coping with someone else's drinking, whether a parent, sibling or friend. Teenagers who shared their stories said they felt worried, scared, isolated and often didn’t know who to turn to.

A.D.A.M also provides links to local and national support services, encouraging young people to get help sooner rather than later.


For more information on any of these resources or to book training please email or call 0141 572 6700.

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