Alcohol Focus Scotland is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm. More about us
Our vision
A future free from the widespread health and social harm caused by alcohol.
Our mission
To deliver effective and cost-effective action to reduce alcohol consumption and harm in Scotland and beyond.
Our values
Independent, equitable and fair, evidence-based, person-centred, respectful and collaborative.
Key work
Restricting alcohol marketing
Promoting regulation that reduces the level of exposure – particularly of children and young people and people struggling with alcohol-related issues – to alcohol marketing.
Increasing the price of alcohol
Broadening support for optimising minimum unit pricing by introducing an automatic mechanism linking to affordability.
Alcohol Focus Scotland offers a range of training courses to help people understand, manage and prevent the harm caused by alcohol.
Latest newsNext event
Campaigners call on First Minister to fulfil commitment to protect Scotland’s children & young people from alcohol marketing
Aug 16, 2024: Alcohol Focus Scotland, BMA Scotland, Children in Scotland, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD), and Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) are calling on the First Minister to reaffirm his government’s commitment to consult on alcohol marketing restrictions in the upcoming Programme for Government.
#LGBTCommunityNotCommodity - AFS calls for examples of LGBT+ targeted alcohol marketing
Jul 15, 2024: Over the next month, we’re asking members of the LGBTQIA+ community to tell us where and when they see an alcohol advert targeting the LGBTQIA+ community!
AFS welcomes new WHO report exposing damaging impact of Big Alcohol on public health
Jun 12, 2024: Alcohol Focus Scotland welcomes a new report published by WHO Europe exposing the wide ranging and damaging impact of specific powerful industries in driving ill health and premature death across the continent.
Managing Alcohol & Drugs in the Workplace
Sep 19, Alcohol Focus Scotland Office: This Face 2 Face interactive, 3-hour workshop will ensure that managers have the essential skills, knowledge, and confidence to recognise and address alcohol and other drug related issues in the workplace.