
Alcohol Focus Scotland is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm. More about us

Our vision

A future free from the widespread health and social harm caused by alcohol.

Our mission

To deliver effective and cost-effective action to reduce alcohol consumption and harm in Scotland and beyond.

Our values

Independent, equitable and fair, evidence-based, person-centred, respectful and collaborative.

Key work

Marketing screen

Restricting alcohol marketing

Promoting regulation that reduces the level of exposure – particularly of children and young people and people struggling with alcohol-related issues – to alcohol marketing.

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Price tag

Increasing the price of alcohol

Broadening support for optimising minimum unit pricing by introducing an automatic mechanism linking to affordability.

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Training icon


Alcohol Focus Scotland offers a range of training courses to help people understand, manage and prevent the harm caused by alcohol.

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AFS response to alcohol hospital admissions statistics

Dec 18, 2024: Statistics published yesterday (17/12/2024) by Public Health Scotland show that in 2023/24 there were 32,301 alcohol-related hospital admissions (stays) in Scotland. Statistics published yesterday (17/12/2024) by Public Health Scotland show that in 2023/24 there were 32,301 alcohol-related hospital admissions (stays) in Scotland. This represents a 3.5% increase in hospital admissions compared to the previous year (31,206).

New study suggests alcohol marketing increases consumption amongst heavier drinkers and poses a danger to people in recovery from alcohol problems

Dec 11, 2024: New study suggests alcohol marketing increases consumption amongst heavier drinkers and poses a danger to people in recovery from alcohol problems

Real terms funding cut and missed opportunities amount to disappointing budget which fails to take Scotland’s alcohol harm emergency seriously

Dec 5, 2024: Alcohol Focus Scotland, the national charity working to prevent and reduce harm caused by alcohol, has questioned the Scottish Government’s commitment to addressing Scotland’s alcohol harm emergency following yesterday’s draft Scottish Budget. The charity says that a mix of funding cuts and missed opportunities amount to a disappointingly lacking budget which will miss the mark in tackling alcohol harm.

C.H.A.T. Training (Children Harmed by Alcohol Toolkit)

Mar 11, Alcohol Focus Scotland Office, Glasgow: The CHAT toolkit is a flexible and in-depth resource pack with practitioner training to help provide focused support to young people and families affected by alcohol harm or in recovery.

The figures

> 1 in 5
people exceeded drinking guidelines in 2022